Gustavo Arteaga. Creator of award winning films and flops. Trained on the job at the BolexBrothers Studio (Bristol), Nukufilms Studio (Tallinn). BA, MA Animation. Mexican born, living in Wales, working wherever. At USW a couple of days a week teaching stop-mo.
Films as Dir/Writer;
2023 Completed - "FALLING FOR GRETA"
"BOUND" Bilderbeben 30th ed. - Bielefeld, (GERMANY) - Moderna Museet Malmö, (SWEDEN) - Animfest 15th ed. Athens, (GREECE), Cardiff Anim Fest, (U.K.) - Caostica 18th ed. Bilbao, (SPAIN) - Ruralfilm Fest 8th ed. L'orxa (SPAIN) - Ortometraggi Film Fest, Calimera/Turin, (ITALY) - Soto Aqua Film Fest, "Special mention" Venice (ITALY). MikroFAF 11th ed., Belgrade (SERBIA) - Azores Fringe 9th ed. (PORTUGAL) - Beepop Fest, Torino, (ITALY) - LIF, Sikinos, (GREECE), on going ... - "THE WAKE" Feature lenght (2018 U.K.); - 21st Revelation Perth International Film Fest. (AUSTRALIA) - 16th East End Film Festival, London. (U.K.) - , Ouchy Film Awards 2018 - Laussane. (SWITZERLAND) “Best Film” 2nd Season. 2018, - 7th Carmarthen bay Film Fest, Llanelli (WALES); "No Budget Best Feature", Hell Chess Festival - Madrid. (SPAIN); "Best Film" - 10th Montevideo Fantástico. (URUGUAY). "BELTAPOI" - Animateka Int. Anim Fest. 2012 ( SLOVANIA ), Magma Mostra Di Cinema Breve 2011 (ITALY), Swedenborg Int. Short Film Fest. 2011 ( U.K. ), CutOut Int. Animation Fest. 2012 (MEX), Athens Animafest Int. Animation Fest. 2011 (GREECE ), Skepto Int. Short film Fest. 2011 ( ITALY ), Concorto Int. Short film Fest. 2010 ( ITALY ), London Int. Animation Fest. 2010 ( U.K. ),"RAPUNZEL'S FLIGHT" - Atlanta Center for pupperty arts - XPT Program 2012 (U.S.A.), Flatpack Birmingham 2010 ( U.K. ), Morelia Int. film fest. 2010 ( MEX ), London Int. Animation Festival 2009 "Best British Film" Award (U.K.), Concorto Int. Film Fest. 09 ( ITALY ), London Short Film Fest. 2009 ( U.K. ), East End Film Fest. 09 (U.K. ). "ALTAR BOY" Melbourne International Anim. Fest 2011 ( AUSTRALIA ), Bornshorts 2011 ( DENMARK ) "THE BARTER" - Hiroshima Int. Animation Fest. 2008 "Best of the World Program" ( JAPAN ), 22th FIPA Festival International de Programmes Audiovisuels 2009 ( FRANCE ), London Int. Animation Fest. 2008 ( U.K. ), Animamundi Int. Animation Festival. ( BRASIL ) 2008, "SNAIL'S DESSERT" Berlinale Talent Campus 2006 "Hunger Food and Taste" competition runner-up ( GERMANY ), Exeter Int. Animation. Festival 06 ( U.K. ), etc.
Contributions as hired hand Dir/Prod Official Music Videos